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Reflective Family Shoot in the City | Minneapolis Family & Portrait Photographer

The core of me lives to be outdoors in the natural elements.  I grew up in the MN country surrounded by woods, lakes, fields… bugs and spent 10 years loving my time in Bozeman, MT continuously connected to the Rockies.  Naturally, this is my go to place to photograph.  I love it; it’s home.  BUT when I get into the city, I go wild!  -like a kid who just tasted sugar for the first time.  When asked to photograph a family session in Minneapolis, my first thought is pure excitement for doing something new-to-me, seeking cityscapes… but then the day of comes, and I’m nervous.  Truth be told, it’s the driving in the city that gets me, and that’s why I don’t venture out more.  🙂  It’s getting much easier now luckily.  I’m getting my bearings.

This session was shot in and around the Gutherie Theater.  It was an awesome location with heaps of reflective materials and of course those beautiful cityscapes and lines most of us photographers go nutso for.  The gorgeous family lives in Minneapolis and wanted to do a few images in the awesome Yellow Room at the Gutherie.  This spot was truly unique with the strong yellow cast and gorgeous views.  I am thrilled about the unconventional touch it lends to the images. Enjoy!  ~Abbey

Below:  Andy facing his fears and walking across the glass floor.  Gotta admit, my heart may have picked up an extra beat or two when I walked across as well.  🙂

Melissa - August 7, 2012 - 2:59 am

Abbey, I love the navy backdrop for these photos and the Gold Medal Flour Sign in the background! Very creative

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